ICSPI nGauge AFM-on-a-Chip
For Biology and Life Science

Your clear advantage
With the nGauge, you collect quantitative data of a sample without damaging it.
Due to the high magnification, nanostructures such as keratin fibres and corneocytes (skin cells) become clearly visible. With three-dimensional data and a resolution of <0.5nm in the vertical direction, the nGauge enables very detailed analysis of specific nanoscale features in biological samples.
What makes the nGauge even more unique is that it requires no laser alignment and delivers nanoscale data within 3 minutes of setup. With a very high throughput and fast screening, you save costs and time. Use the nGauge also as a complementary technique to other common microscopy techniques such as SEM or TEM.
Especially for biological samples, the nGauge has the great advantage that it works in the so-called tapping mode, which means that the AFM tip is only intermittently in contact with the sample and sample preparation is minimal.
This is the difference to scanning electron microscopy (SEM), where the samples are completely dehydrated and coated with metal (typically sputtered gold or platinum). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) also usually requires the samples to be cut with a microtome and thus destroyed.